from Sussex, with love

What’s The Story | 29th July 2013

If you’ve come here looking for another quirky and surreal #WhatsTheStory this week I’m afraid you’re in the wrong place. You should probably about-turn now or just head back to my entry from last week.

This week is an image with mixed emotions for me. Most of them sadness.

It is me at age 18. A time when we should all be full of life, beginning to really discover ourselves and enjoying our new adult existence. For me though, this picture sums up just how dejected I really was at that time. Don’t let the half smile fool you; I was miserable. I was in a  relationship (technically engaged) to a man ten years older than myself who was not the nicest of fellows. Don’t get me wrong, he never hit me and was not physically abusive, but then not all pain comes in physical form. He was a clever man and had been through a lot in his life, and to a large extent I don’t even think he knew what he was doing himself.

I’m not sure I’m quite ready to go into all the details now but it was a very controlling relationship and one which I am very pleased to not be in anymore. During my year with him I gained three stone in weight. This was mostly due to his jealousy and the thought of other people showing a passing interest in me. The merest glance and he would have me eating pizza for dinner – putting on the weight meant that others were less likely to look. I was pale and pasty. I was overweight. I had to die my hair a very unflattering shade of brown to become less visible.

I couldn’t see it. He had promised the world (we were engaged within three weeks) and being young and naive and not having had a boyfriend before, I fell for it.

But this picture doesn’t only bring me sadness. It also brings me hope and a sense of achievement. I am not this person anymore and I have come a long way from such a dark place when I could have let it swallow me whole. It has made me stronger, and for that I am grateful.

So here I am. Aged 18. And desperately unhappy. But it is just a photo. A distant memory, and one that I know I had to experience to be who I am now.



Kelly is a twenty-something lover of all things nerdy. Cocktails and lie ins are her favorite things, neither of which she can enjoy since becoming a mum for the first time. She writes about everything she loves and loathes (with a little indifference thrown in for good measure!) She also blogs over on the BabyCentre about life as a new mum.


  1. PODcast (@The_Doves)

    July 29, 2013 - 5:39 pm

    Wow what an incredible brave post to write Kelly, must have been tough. Although you look back on this photo with sadness, it sounds like it was a huge turning point for you. I’m sure it’s also led to you being a much a stronger person. Thank you for sharing #whatsthestory

    • Kelly

      July 29, 2013 - 9:39 pm

      It really was Charly. Funny thing is that he ended the relationship. Even then I couldn’t see how bad it was. I didn’t leave the house for months. Emotions are a very strange thing

  2. Alexander Residence

    July 29, 2013 - 9:24 pm

    Hello Kelly, I am so glad I have found your blog at long last. After all our email exchanges this seems a sharp contrast to the witty, sassy and fun lady I’ve been conversing with x. I had a bad experience in my teens too, luckily it fizzled when I left home.

    • Kelly

      July 29, 2013 - 9:37 pm

      Hey Penny!

      You found me!! :-p

      Luckily this kelly is long gone now. It’s amazing how you can totally lose yourself when you end up in the wrong relationship! I’m so glad I came to my senses! God knows where I’d be otherwise!

  3. Jenny @ The Brick Castle

    July 31, 2013 - 8:00 pm

    That is a really honest and brave post. I love that you don’t have regrets, we should try not to regret, we are who we are because of where we’ve been. I am however glad that this photo isn’t you any more x

    • ScissorsPaperRockly

      July 31, 2013 - 10:33 pm

      Thank you Jenny!

      I actually showed the photo to my family tonight. They won’t believe it was me because of how different I look, despite us seeing each other a lot around this time. It’s amazing how quickly time can heal wounds and fade bad memories

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