from Sussex, with love

Not so Dotty anymore!

I have been seriously slack at writing anything of late. Mostly due to a rather unexpected and completely unplanned house purchase. After writing this post in April about wanting to move out things took a rather rapid turn and within 6 weeks we was picking up the keys to our new home. It’s no excuse for slackness but it really was a bit of a whirlwind so I am allowing myself just a little leeway.

Now excuses aside, the one thing that petrified me about the home-buying process was the “O” word. Organisation. I am the first to admit that I am one of the most useless people I have ever met when it comes to creating any semblance of order in my personal life.

Work? No problem! I can plan and organise with the best of them!

Home? Literally appalling. Paperwork strewn around the kitchen and hidden behind books. Cupboards in complete disarray. Forgotten appointments. You name it; it was a mess! So when a package arrived for me at work from the delectable MummyBarrow I got just a wee bit excited because she had sent me none other than her famous Dotty Diary.

Dotty Diary

Now I have been sworn to secrecy about how this little beauty works so I won’t go into too much detail, but what I can say is that it has literally saved my life! The method enclosed for keeping yourself organised is so beautifully simple but is something I would never have considered doing. For the first few days I actually felt pretty stupid for not having connected the dots (no pun intended) in my tiny brain sooner. Within a week my personal life was more organised than it has ever been and it’s so wonderfully easy that I have actually managed to stick to it (unlike the numerous diets I’ve started this year!)

Dealing with solicitors? Dotty Diary was there to help and keep me up to date.

Working out what bills I needed to sort/what was in progress/what payments would start when? Dotty Diary had it all under control.

Figuring out finances and how the hell I was going to get my head around what money was needed where? Dotty Diary saved the day.

And it’s not just for people who are completely crap at sorting their life out either – this will literally work for anyone and I seriously recommend giving it a whirl if you want a bit more order in your life! I can hand on heart say that I will never forget to attend an appointment/send a birthday card/pay a bill/ have a life ever again. And I know it works because I’ve stuck with it for a THREE WHOLE MONTHS. That’s a new Kelly record!

If you want to get your dysfunctional fingers on one of these gems you can head over to these places:

and the genius herself –

Mummy Barrow is also going to be making personalised versions available for 2014!! I think I will be requesting mine with a huge picture of her face on it!

Mummy Barrow- I Salute You!



Kelly is a twenty-something lover of all things nerdy. Cocktails and lie ins are her favorite things, neither of which she can enjoy since becoming a mum for the first time. She writes about everything she loves and loathes (with a little indifference thrown in for good measure!) She also blogs over on the BabyCentre about life as a new mum.


  1. mummybarrow

    July 17, 2013 - 7:36 pm

    Oh how I love you!!!!

    This is amazing. Thank you so much. I am so pleased it has worked for you.

    Brilliant that you are feeling a bit more organised!

  2. ScissorsPaperRock

    July 18, 2013 - 11:47 am

    SO much more organised! You are the goddess of sorting your shi!t out!! :p


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