from Sussex, with love

The hardest post to write…

I’ve had three (albeit, crappy) blogs to date. The thing I hate most is knowing where to begin.  How do I (when it’s so hard on any other day) avoid sounding like a complete moron attending a speed dating event? The answer? There is no way. It’s just not possible. So instead of the standard intro about my background and childhood that will only bore me and you to tears, I googled “fun email surveys” and, apparently, this is as fun as it gets – Hold on to your hats!

If you had to live on one food for a month, what would it be?

Pizza. Pasta. Chinese. Indian. Mexican.

I love food. I love all food. Except mushrooms, which are basically just fungus scraped from the foot of the devil.

Share your best piece of advice in this fun email survey.

I resent the implication that this is “fun” – my advice to you is to be less presumptuous.

What is your earliest memory?

It’s 1987 – The year of the great storm. I am in my mother’s arms standing outside our old cottage. She is wearing a pink nightie (because that’s what you wore before onesies were invented). I am watching my dad climb over fallen tree’s to get to our neighbours house. I can faintly see candles flickering through their windows.

I was only five months old. I have been told that it’s possible to remember back that far but it’s likely just something I’ve invented.

I do have two other early memories; one involves a cactus, and the other an 82 year old ghost. This one was more poetic…sort of.

Who do you miss the most from your past?

Myself – the old me. Back when I was about 7 and I had no idea…about anything.

Just for fun, if you could go back in time, what would you do?

I would go back to the future. The last time I was there it was a complete balls up, and I barely made it back … to the present…which ended up being the past.

Either way I wouldn’t mind a do-over.

How many times have you been in love?


*The first time was possibly just insanity and immaturity.

What is your favorite article of clothing?

My dressing gown or onesie. There is literally nothing better. I come home every night and the first thing I do is fling off my clothes, stick something cosy on and bask in the glory of being the toastiest person in the world.

I’m known for my coldness and don’t even take my coat off at work. I think they think I’m a bit odd or intending on walking out at any minute. It’s actually because I have small fiber damage which basically means my nerves don’t work like normal peoples.

Share your all-time favorite movie.

This is an impossible question – but I can narrow it down a bit with the following:

  1. Anything with Kevin Spacey (except the American Express ads which were a disgrace and he should be ashamed)
  2. Anything with a twist that you can never see coming
  3. Films with spaceships/aliens/lego/stop motion animation

kevin spacey

Where is the furthest you have traveled?

I promised myself that I would be nothing but honest on this blog.

In this situation I would generally turn to Google, but I refuse to pretend like I know the answer.

My Geography is appalling…literally terrible. I was once asked by my OH to draw Europe… it didn’t end well, but at least I came away with a few nuggets of knowledge – such as Spain and Africa are not next to each other. Who knew?! (Apparently everyone but me!)

I am lucky if I find it out of my village without the sat nav.

Therefore my answer has to be: either Ireland, Spain, Malta, Portugal, France or Belgium. (Someone help me out?)

What human trait do you dislike the most?

Competitiveness. Can’t stand it. For the simple fact that I am intensely competitive myself and if I’m ever in the presence of someone else with this trait, the world feels like it’s going to implode/someone gets hurt.

I also hate people that are angry all the time – lighten up already!

And people that moan constantly about how crap their life is but do sod all to make it better. You own your own existence.

Just for fun, if you could realistically have any one item, what would it be?

A house – we have been living with the OH’s parents for 6 years. I could do with space. And my own kitchen. And for some cupboards to keep clothes and general possessions in.

Or a teleporter so I could go on holiday whenever I wanted. That would be nifty.

Name your all-time favorite singer or group.

The Beatles… I love them. But Paul McCartney has completely lost it now and I really think he should give up trying.


So there we go. An intro…of sorts. And oh look…I still sounded like a moron at a speed dating event!

Kelly is a twenty-something lover of all things nerdy. Cocktails and lie ins are her favorite things, neither of which she can enjoy since becoming a mum for the first time. She writes about everything she loves and loathes (with a little indifference thrown in for good measure!) She also blogs over on the BabyCentre about life as a new mum.


  1. Actually Mummy

    February 2, 2013 - 10:53 pm

    Yeah my earliest memory was 1987 too. Only it was me in the pink nightie, drunk on Lambrusco in the student union. I’m too old to remember much before that. Great post 🙂

    • Kelly

      February 2, 2013 - 10:59 pm

      Haha oh wow! I haven’t had Lambrusco for a long time!! May have to re-sample it. Suddenly craving Asti Spumanti now too …

      Thank you!! 😀 x

  2. crafts on sea

    February 7, 2013 - 7:37 pm

    Anothe fan here of wearing your coat At All Times. Mines down to Raynauds though, does suck though, perhaps we could make indoor coats the new onesie?!

    • Kelly

      February 7, 2013 - 9:29 pm

      Works for me! They did question whether I had raynauds but I don’t think they really have any idea and small fibre nerve damage is a bit of a fob off!! Definitely up for some huge onesie coats… Wonder if we could have them specially designed to cover our feet too?

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